Each year the Housing Authority of the City and County of Sacramento must submit an update to their Annual Plan to HUD for final approval. The Sacramento Resident Advisory Board plays an integral part in this process. In April we go to the resident meetings an get resident input on the Capitol Fund portion of the plan. In July and August we review changes to the ACOP with SHRA. The completed package goes to the Commission in September for a public hearing, then if approved, it is forwarded to HUD for adoption. The documents are published for public review and comment onSHRAs website(then click on Public Housing Agency Plans and Reports to view the plan). The 45 day public comment period closes after this item is heard by the commission.
REMINDER! RENT PAYMENTS NOW ACCEPTED ONLINE Residents in the Sacramento public housing program can pay their rent online using any device with Internet access and check the status of payments and review payment history. Making payments online provides another convenient way for residents and applicants to connect with the Housing Authority in addition to applying for housing and updating status changes using mobile devices. To get started, go to www.shra.org and click the Pay Your Rent button.
The Sacramento Housing Authority is accepting applications for several wait lists. Apply online using any device with internet access. Go to www.sacwaitlist.com to submit your application. Learn more about the Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs at www.shra.org.
Sacramento Resident Advisory Board is a not for profit organization and organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.